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It’s normal and encouraged for clients to ask many questions when choosing to work with a therapist. Here are some answers to the questions I receive the most. If you can’t find what you are looking for, please get in touch.
Q: What kind of therapeutic interventions do you use?
A: I work in a person-centred way, meaning I use the core conditions of empathy, congruence and unconditional positive regard in each interaction. Against this background I also use elements of evolutionary psychology, and different modalities such as Transactional Analysis, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, and somatic (body-based) therapy. This is tailored for each client, meaning everyone I work with will have a slightly different experience of therapy.
Q: What do you charge, and do you offer concessions?
A: A 50 minute session costs £50, paid by bank transfer. I offer 10% concessions to students and people on low incomes to enable better access to therapy. This is on a discretional basis, on the understanding that once a person's finances have stabilised, they pay the full rate to allow me to continue to offer concessions.
Q: Can you diagnose me and prescribe medication?
A: No. In the UK, only a psychiatrist or sometimes a GP can diagnose mental health conditions and prescribe medication.
Q: How do I know you're a real therapist?
A: Unfortunately in the UK, "therapist" and "counsellor" are not protected terms, so this is a fair question! I'm a registered member of the BACP, the UK's biggest professional body regulating counselling and psychotherapy. This means I qualified from a BACP-approved college, completed 100 hours of placement, and passed an exam to prove my credentials. Never work with any therapist who isn't a member of a regulatory body with strict entry conditions.
Q: What will we do in therapy?
A: We talk. I can help you to understand yourself better, see things in new ways, and discover a deeper truth to life. It sounds dramatic, but it can be the most transformative experience of a person's life.
Q: Who do you work with?
A: I welcome clients from all backgrounds and feel I can learn something from everyone I work with. I tend to work mostly with people from the LGBTQ+ community. Humanistic therapy tends to most benefit those who are interested in deep-rooted, long term work. This kind of work can be unsettling and destabilising in the short term, as we may need to explore areas that could be distressing - as a result, this kind of therapy is not suitable for people experiencing acute crisis (such as active suicide attempts or active addiction).
Q: Is it all online? Does that change the experience?
A: All of my sessions take place online. It keeps costs down for clients as I don't have to rent a room, and it makes therapy more accessible for disabled people, people with mental health conditions that prevent them from travelling or meeting people, and neurodivergent folks. Online therapy can be just as powerful and profound as in person therapy. We don't need to be in the same physical space to connect - it's a far deeper connection than that.
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